

I started practicing yoga 8 years ago purely by accident, I was curious to see what my wife was doing on Monday evenings, little did I know that on that Monday evening July 2016 my life would change forever. I enjoyed the physical practice but learning to be present and just connecting with my breath was just so beautiful. Monday evenings couldn’t come round quick enough. I then went to my local studio and I noticed a yoga foundation course, so I enrolled on that to deepen my knowledge of yoga. It was whilst on the course that I was told that I could continue to do the teacher training, so I enrolled at the start in June 2017. Having completed my teacher training, my journey in to teaching has took a bit of time as I didn’t want to rush into teaching yoga as I was still really on a self discovery journey. I now feel that the time is right and really want to introduce yoga to people who like me didn’t know too much about it. I would also like to invite guys to learn about this magical ancient practice.