
I started practicing yoga in 2016 and it quickly became my go-to exercise for fitness, flexibility and strength.  I soon found that the benefits of practicing yoga were so much more and it became integral to my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.  Over time, I found that I wanted a deeper understanding of the benefits that I found through yoga and so undertook my teacher training course.  I completed the 200hr Teacher Training Course with Ambra Vallo at the end of 2023 and it was one of my best and most rewarding achievements.  I mainly teach Hatha Raja Vinyasa Krama, a beautiful practice with incorporates raja yoga - yoga of the mind, hatha yoga - the physical practice of the body, vinyasa is the flow of the practice through different asanas and krama is the system of sequencing that builds up to a peak pose focusing on the flexibility, strength and openness required for the peak pose of the sequence. When I'm not practicing or teaching yoga, I'm teaching English at a vocational college in Birmingham and spending time with my beautiful, amazing daughter and 2 fabulous Bengal cross cats.